Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Monday - Friday (Saddlery) 11:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday (Saddlery) 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday Closed
Sunday (Saddlery) Closed

Category: Tips and Advice

Spillers Perform & Restore Mash

Spillers Perform & Restore Mash

How does feeding SPILLERS Perform & Restore Mash support hydration? • Feeding SPILLERS™ Perform & Restore Mash (and other mashes)……

Respirator Bottle image

Breathe Easy This Spring With NAF

Here’s a really useful article from our suppliers Naf… Spring Respiratory Health – The Clearway to Performance Kate Hore RNutr(Animal)…….

Beta Safety Week

BETA Safety Awareness Week

 Visit Windmill saddlery throughout BETA safety week  27th April – 5th May and get a free hat and body protector……

Equine Influenza

News Update from BHS on Equine Flu

7th February 2019 Gemma Stanford, Director of Welfare for The British Horse Society said: “We are aware of today’s news……


BETA guide to rugging your horse.

We are often asked about rugging your horse or pony at this time of year. BETA (British Equestrian Trade Association)……